Si, “Señorita” : Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello break Spotify record


Island Records


Island RecordsWhen Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello released their new duet “Señorita,” they didn’t just break the internet…they broke a Spotify record.

Upon its release on Friday, the song became the biggest single-day debut of a male/female duet in Spotify history. 

In addition, the video scored 50 million YouTube streams in its first 48 hours, and the song and video topped the iTunes, Apple Music Pop and Apple Music’s Top Video charts.

Referencing the steamy love scenes in the “Señorita” video, one fan screen-capped a shot of Shawn and Camila in bed together, about to kiss, and wrote, “i know they both used a s** ton of mouthwash before this.”

Shawn responded, “I must have had 300 mints that day.”

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