$31 was enough to bribe Selena Gomez into thinking about a new 'Hotel Transylvania' movie

Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Rare Beauty

The Hotel Transylvania franchise comes to an end with its fourth and final installment, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania — but star Selena Gomez may be thinking about making a new one after two children bribed her.

Speaking with Yahoo! Entertainment for its Kid Gloves bit, Selena was grilled by elementary school-aged girls who asked why the beloved animated franchise was coming to an end.  The “Lose You to Love Me” singer appeared coy about whether the movie series was definitely over and teased, “You know what, you never know what’s gonna happen.”

But, that wasn’t enough to comfort the young reporters because they offered up the contents of their piggy bank — a whopping $30 — as a bribe.  Selena politely declined, saying, “I would never take your money,” but things changed when the offer was bumped up by a whole dollar.  The Grammy nominee appeared enticed by the prospect of bringing back Mavis the vampire and vowed, “I’m gonna call Sony,” which is the studio behind the franchise.

The interviewers also asked the singer where she would be in life had she not embarked in a career in music and acting.  “I think that I would try to be a chef.  I don’t know if I’d be good, but I love cooking and I love making people happy,” she answered. 

When discussing her cooking show, Selena + Chef, Selena added, “I sometimes make mistakes and they’re pretty funny.”  One of those mistakes was when she attempted to grab a knife that was falling off the table and her finger caught the business end of the blade.

“I was so dramatic,” Selena recalled of her injury. “It was a little cut and it scared me, but I was okay!”

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